今回は Firebase の話です。
私はバックエンドはFirebaseのCloud Function にまかせています。
情報が古くて申し訳ないですが、Cloud Function が Typescriptでかけるようになったようなのでやってみることにしました。
Firebase にログイン
% firebase login Visit this URL on this device to log in: ttps://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?~~~~~~ Waiting for authentication... ✔ Success! Logged in as xxxxxx@gmail.com
Cloud Functionを試してみる
% firebase init firestore ######## #### ######## ######## ######## ### ###### ######## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ## ######## ###### ######## ######### ###### ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## ######## ######## ## ## ###### ######## You're about to initialize a Firebase project in this directory: /path/to/ === Project Setup First, let's associate this project directory with a Firebase project. You can create multiple project aliases by running firebase use --add, but for now we'll just set up a default project. ### Create a new project を選択する。 ? Please select an option: (Use arrow keys) Use an existing project ❯ Create a new project Add Firebase to an existing Google Cloud Platform project Don't set up a default project ## テキトーにProject名を作る ? Please specify a unique project id (warning: cannot be modified afterward) [6- 30 characters]: hogehoge-app ## typescirpt にする ? What language would you like to use to write Cloud Functions? (Use arrow keys) JavaScript ❯ TypeScript ## eslint 等々の設定を行う。基本エンターでOK。 ? What language would you like to use to write Cloud Functions? TypeScript ? Do you want to use ESLint to catch probable bugs and enforce style? Yes ✔ Wrote functions/package.json ✔ Wrote functions/.eslintrc.js ✔ Wrote functions/tsconfig.json ✔ Wrote functions/tsconfig.dev.json ✔ Wrote functions/src/index.ts ✔ Wrote functions/.gitignore ? Do you want to install dependencies with npm now? Yes i Writing configuration info to firebase.json... i Writing project information to .firebaserc... i Writing gitignore file to .gitignore... ### 生成完了 ✔ Firebase initialization complete!
% npm run serve npm ERR! code ENOENT npm ERR! syscall open npm ERR! path /path/to/firebase/package.json npm ERR! errno -2 npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/path/to/firebase/package.json' npm ERR! enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file. npm ERR! enoent npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /path/to/.npm/_logs/2021-12-24T16_30_21_726Z-debug.log ```
正解は、firebase init firestore を実行したファイルパスから functionフォルダに移動したところになる。
. ├── firebase.json ├── functions <----- つまりここ │ ├── lib │ │ ├── index.js │ │ └── index.js.map │ ├── node_modules | ・ | ・ | ・ ├── package-lock.json └── tes
改めて、path/to/functions で npm run serve を実行してみる。
% npm run serve > functions@ serve /path/to/firebase/functions > npm run build && firebase emulators:start --only functions > functions@ build /path/to/firebase/functions > tsc i emulators: Starting emulators: functions ⚠ functions: The following emulators are not running, calls to these services from the Functions emulator will affect production: auth, firestore, database, hosting, pubsub, storage ⚠ Your requested "node" version "16" doesn't match your global version "12" i ui: Emulator UI logging to ui-debug.log i functions: Watching "/path/to/firebase/functions" for Cloud Functions... ✔ functions[us-central1-helloWorld]: http function initialized (http://localhost:5001/hogehoge-app/us-central1/helloWorld). ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ ✔ All emulators ready! It is now safe to connect your app. │ │ i View Emulator UI at http://localhost:4000 │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ┌───────────┬────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────┐ │ Emulator │ Host:Port │ View in Emulator UI │ ├───────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │ Functions │ localhost:5001 │ http://localhost:4000/functions │ └───────────┴────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────┘ Emulator Hub running at localhost:4400 Other reserved ports: 4500 Issues? Report them at https://github.com/firebase/firebase-tools/issues and attach the *-debug.log files.
せっかくなので api をひとつ増やす
export const helloWorld = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => { functions.logger.info("Hello logs!", {structuredData: true}); response.send("Hello from Firebase!"); }); + export const hoge = functions.https.onRequest((request, response)=>{ + response.send("hoge!"); + });
せっかくなので Fireabse にもデプロイしてみる。
firebase deploy === Deploying to 'hogehoge-app'... i deploying functions Running command: npm --prefix "$RESOURCE_DIR" run lint > functions@ lint /path/to/hogehoge-app/firebase/functions > eslint --ext .js,.ts . Running command: npm --prefix "$RESOURCE_DIR" run build > functions@ build /path/to/hogehoge-app/firebase/functions > tsc ✔ functions: Finished running predeploy script. i functions: ensuring required API cloudfunctions.googleapis.com is enabled... i functions: ensuring required API cloudbuild.googleapis.com is enabled... i functions: ensuring required API artifactregistry.googleapis.com is enabled... ⚠ functions: missing required API artifactregistry.googleapis.com. Enabling now... ✔ functions: required API cloudfunctions.googleapis.com is enabled ⚠ functions: missing required API cloudbuild.googleapis.com. Enabling now... Error: Your project top-hash-tag-server must be on the Blaze (pay-as-you-go) plan to complete this command. Required API cloudbuild.googleapis.com can't be enabled until the upgrade is complete. To upgrade, visit the following URL: ttps://console.firebase.google.com/project/hogehoge-app/usage/details Having trouble? Try firebase [command] --help
※ 従量課金プランだが、無料枠がかなり大きいのでテストと個人利用程度なら無料で利用できる。
% firebase deploy === Deploying to 'hogehoge-app'... i deploying functions Running command: npm --prefix "$RESOURCE_DIR" run lint > functions@ lint /path/to/hogehoge-app/firebase/functions > eslint --ext .js,.ts . Running command: npm --prefix "$RESOURCE_DIR" run build > functions@ build /path/to/hogehoge-app/firebase/functions > tsc ✔ functions: Finished running predeploy script. i functions: ensuring required API cloudfunctions.googleapis.com is enabled... i functions: ensuring required API cloudbuild.googleapis.com is enabled... i functions: ensuring required API artifactregistry.googleapis.com is enabled... ✔ functions: required API cloudfunctions.googleapis.com is enabled ⚠ functions: missing required API cloudbuild.googleapis.com. Enabling now... ⚠ functions: missing required API artifactregistry.googleapis.com. Enabling now... ✔ functions: required API cloudbuild.googleapis.com is enabled ✔ functions: required API artifactregistry.googleapis.com is enabled i functions: preparing functions directory for uploading... i functions: packaged functions (44.62 KB) for uploading ✔ functions: functions folder uploaded successfully i functions: creating Node.js 16 function helloWorld(us-central1)... i functions: creating Node.js 16 function hoge(us-central1)... ✔ functions[hoge(us-central1)] Successful create operation. ✔ functions[helloWorld(us-central1)] Successful create operation. Function URL (helloWorld(us-central1)): https://fire-base-deply-url/helloWorld Function URL (hoge(us-central1)): https://fire-base-deply-url/hoge i functions: cleaning up build files... ✔ Deploy complete! Project Console: https://console.firebase.google.com/project/hogehoge-app/overview
Firebase の Cloud Functions を typescript で書く方法をメモ程度にまとめました。